
CV Joints and Boots Repair, Replace, Protect: A Complete How-To Guide for Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/ Teryx KRX 1000 Owners

Oct 19, 2022

CV Joints and Boots Repair, Replace, Protect: A Complete How-To Guide for Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/ Teryx KRX 1000 Owners

Whether you own a Kawasaki Mule, a Teryx or a Teryx KRX 1000, all three of these are some sturdy machines that break really hard. It’s a fact that it takes some real doing to bust one of these crackerjacks (Trust me! we have tried).But like Forrest Gump, if you are too strong willed, took it as a challenge, went out and blew up one of the rubber boots or joints on the Constant Velocity shaft, then there’s no helping it! Just joking :) We know everything’s gotta give, and faulty CV axles are one of the most common issues with any side-by-side.

That is exactly why we have written down this piece specifically for anyone who needs help to repair, replace or protect CV joints and boots on Kawasaki Mule, Teryx or Teryx KRX 1000.

So, first thing first:

How does a Constant Velocity (CV) Axle Work?

Well in most layman terms, CV axles coupled with CV joints on both ends, transfer power from transmission to wheels of your Mule/Teryx at a constant speed while accommodating the up-and-down motion of the suspension.

Keep reading to know more!

Should You Repair or Replace a Faulty CV Shaft on a Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/Teryx KRX 1000!

Once you hear that cracking noise coming from your CV axle, a certain quandary hits you that has probably hit every mechanic or UTV enthusiast in the history of UTVs :

To Repair or To Replace?

Should you repair the CV shaft or Buy a whole new axle?

Even though the latter one is a bit more costly fix but people tend to go this route because:

One, the axle is so torn down that it’s beyond saving (also because they have lots of spare cash and wouldn’t like to be bothered about).

Two, and this goes for most people, it seems like too much work to take apart a CV axle and grasp the complicated function of a normal CV axle.

Well, if you are one, head over to and buy yourself a new flashy CV axle. Problem solved duhh!

But if your mama is not Jeff Bezos (like us) and you belong to group two. Let us unravel the secrets of a common CV shaft for you.

Figure Out What’s Wrong With Your Kawasaki Teryx/Teryx KRX 1000/Mule CV Axle

You see, a Constant velocity (CV) axle on your Kawasaki has 3 main parts.

A typical kawasaki Mule/Teryx CV axle

  1. Inner and outer CV Joints 
  2. Inner and outer CV Boots
  3. The axle itself

Here are Some of Our Best-Seller CV Axles for Kawasaki Teryx:

I will explain the function of all three in a bit, but let's first diagnose the fault. 

If you hear clicks…..kind of clunking…… or clomping or maybe a rattle….. okay you get it, you hear noise….you hear noise coming off of the side of your Mule/Teryx.

Mostly when you turn your wheels or when you accelerate or de-accelerate, that's a key sign that you have a bad CV Axle.

Now you need to inspect further and figure out what's wrong within the axle to proceed with a fix.

First off, If you see grease flying out, that's a dead giveaway you have torn CV boots because the CV axle is losing grease.

Mostly one on the outer side gets worn out because that's where most of the movements happen.

A torn CV Boot

But, if everything looks fine with the boots, that means probably one of your CV joints has grenaded and you need to get that repaired or replaced.

Once you’re done with the initial diagnose step and zeroed in on the faulty part, jump onto this next one.

Disassembling the Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/Teryx KRX 1000 CV Axle (Step by Step Procedure)

We know replacing or repairing a clunking CV axle is a messy job, but let’s get down to it and get our hands… knees…. and legs dirty.

Pro tip: Get plenty of rags to do this, the greasy CV joints makes it one of the most cruddy jobs.

Tools you need: Pliers, Hammer, Ball joint separator (optional), Spanner, Dyke pliers, Jack, Lug nut key, Socket spanner, Pry bar.

Let’s start tearing up.

1. First off, jack her up, loosen up the wheel lug nuts and get the tire off.

2. When the tire’s off, you may see a rubber/plastic dust cover, pop it off too with a pry bar.

3. Now, get your dyke pliers and get rid of the cotter pin on the spindle and remove the hub bolt underneath with a suitable size spanner.

4. Once you get rid of the hub bolt, the next step is to loosen up and detach the ball joint (see picture for reference). To do that, first remove the ball joint cotter pin, loosen up the nut with a right sized socket spanner.

Ball joint on a Kawasaki side by side

5. Then you can use a hammer or a special tool called a ball joint separator to detach the ball joint.

6. Now you just need to unbolt the nuts on the inside of the axle and give a good few taps from the opposite side (spindle side) and voila… the axle is unleashed.

Phew, now that's something easier said than done, but if you are stuck and need any help you can reach out to us and our experts will be your experts in no time!

Repair or Replace the Broken CV Joint on Your Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/Teryx KRX 1000

CV joints are basically your silent buddies who help you turn wheels while your Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/KRX’s suspension is moving when you go over those pot holes, swamps and general rocky terrain.

Well.. not so silent now.. but anyway, when a CV joint goes bad it's often because the bearings or housing cage is messed up and needs a replacement.

Are You Looking for Quality CV Joints for Kawasaki Teryx, but Can’t Make Up Your Mind? 

Here are Some of The Top Reviewed Ones :

Repair or Replace the torn CV Boot on Your Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/KRX

CV boots are flexible rubber covers that protect your Mule, Teryx/KRX’s CV joints from dust, water and other stuff.

Torn boots are a common issue with Kawasaki Mule/Teryx and there are emergency repair remedies like using silicon to fix a split on the boot but those are really recommended for quick emergency fixes until you buy the replacement.

These boots are much easier to install than CV joints, with some split boots you don’t even need to disassemble the whole axle.

But if you are looking for rugged high quality Kawasaki CV boots, you will have to pull out the whole axle.

To install a new boot follow the steps below.

1. Follow the same steps as above to disassemble the CV axle.

2. Cut the two clamps holding the boot using dyke pliers.

3. Use a utility knife to cut it in half and peel it off like an orange.

4. Repack the joint with grease, put your new boot, clamp it up and you are good to go.

Finding perfect aftermarket CV Boots for your Kawasaki Teryx can become a bit of a dog’s breakfast.

So, Here are Our Top-sellers to Help You Choose Easily:

Protecting your Kawasaki Mule/Teryx/ Teryx KRX 1000 CV Joints and Boots

Back in 1500, when Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus said “Prevention is Better Than Cure”, he probably meant it to protect Teryx/KRX 1000or Mule CV Joints and Boots before they break (Fact!).

I mean really, these things don’t come cheap and wouldn’t it be nice to avoid all this hassle to change a broken joint or split boot?

The best way to protect your CV Joints and Boots is to install some A-Arms CV/Boot guards, these things will provide maximum protection when you go off-roading. Checkout Premium Quality CV Boots A-Arms Guards for Your Kawasaki Teryx 


Especially for the front CV axle, because these are the ones that beat up pretty badly in an off-road adventure.